It is a season for raw mangoes spreading its aroma in the air and the fully blossomed neem tree that makes the air healthy. Also, jaggery made with fresh crop of sugarcane adds a renewed flavor to the typical dishes associated with Ugadi. Ugadi pachchadi is one such dish that has become synonymous with Ugadi. It is made of new jaggery, raw mango pieces and neem flowers and new tamarind which truly reflect life - a combination of sweet, sour and bitter tastes!
'Ugadi Pacchadi' preparation comprising of six tastes (shadruchi sammelan), each standing for a special character a man experiences in life. The ingredients of this preparation, though of different tastes or characters when mixed in definite proportions result in a delicious dish. The underlying idea conveys that the six faces of life mentioned underneath, should be handled by man and balanced in such a way as to make his life a beautiful one on earth.
Ingrediant Taste Message
1 Jaggery Sweet Adds happiness to life
2 Salt Salty Adds taste to life
3 Neem flowers Bitter Unhappy moments in life
4 Tamarind Sour Disgraceful sad moments in life
5 Raw Mango Pieces Sour Disgraceful sad moments in life
6 Chilli powder Hot Angry moments in life
'Ugadi Pacchadi' preparation comprising of six tastes (shadruchi sammelan), each standing for a special character a man experiences in life. The ingredients of this preparation, though of different tastes or characters when mixed in definite proportions result in a delicious dish. The underlying idea conveys that the six faces of life mentioned underneath, should be handled by man and balanced in such a way as to make his life a beautiful one on earth.
Ingrediant Taste Message
1 Jaggery Sweet Adds happiness to life
2 Salt Salty Adds taste to life
3 Neem flowers Bitter Unhappy moments in life
4 Tamarind Sour Disgraceful sad moments in life
5 Raw Mango Pieces Sour Disgraceful sad moments in life
6 Chilli powder Hot Angry moments in life
2 tea spoon broken new jaggery / brown sugar.
1 1/2 tea spoon new tamarind .
1 1/2 tea spoon mango pieces chopped small.
1 tea spoon neem flowers.
1 cup water.
Soak Tamarind for about 15-20 minutes in a cup of water. Extract tamarind juice by squeezing the pulp and straining the juice from it. Dissolve the broken new jaggery into it. Then add the tiny mango pieces and the neem flowers. This is usually offered to the Gods during pooja and later everyone part takes this as prasadam and the first item to be eaten on Ugadi day.
2 tea spoon broken new jaggery / brown sugar.
1 1/2 tea spoon new tamarind .
1 1/2 tea spoon mango pieces chopped small.
1 tea spoon neem flowers.
1 cup water.
Soak Tamarind for about 15-20 minutes in a cup of water. Extract tamarind juice by squeezing the pulp and straining the juice from it. Dissolve the broken new jaggery into it. Then add the tiny mango pieces and the neem flowers. This is usually offered to the Gods during pooja and later everyone part takes this as prasadam and the first item to be eaten on Ugadi day.
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